Use "symbolize|symbolized|symbolizes|symbolizing" in a sentence

1. The four pointed star surrounding the sun symbolizes the land, its light blue color symbolizing tranquility.

2. It symbolizes the Absolute, enlightenment, strength, elegance, the Universe, and the void; it also may be taken to symbolize the Japanese aesthetic itself.

3. The lion symbolizes strength, the lamb symbolizes gentleness.

4. What did these symbolize?

5. What do the talents symbolize?

6. After 1950, the governing council changed its colors to red and white: red symbolizing power, and white symbolizing peace.

7. immersion symbolizes Acts 19:4, 5

8. The number ten symbolized absolute completeness.

9. Red Asters symbolize undying devotion

10. White Chrysanthemums symbolize loyalty and honesty

11. Used to symbolize enormity of greatness.

12. White Asters symbolize purity and innocence

13. What does the windswept sea symbolize?

14. Pink Asters symbolize sensitivity and love

15. In France, yellow flowers symbolize disloyalty.

16. Antaeus also symbolizes the return of …

17. Eight Crows symbolize grief and sorrow

18. Yellow Chrysanthemums symbolize neglected love or sorrow

19. Cormorant symbolizes taking action, bravery, and resourcefulness

20. The woman before you symbolizes your success.

21. This symbol later evolved into a common hieroglyphic symbolizing victory.

22. The flower symbolizes wisdom, love, justice and peace.

23. Hence, "ai" symbolizes things coming together, merging.

24. What does the statue of liberty symbolize?

25. Aniel is a male angel symbolizing virtue and bravery

26. Red Chrysanthemums symbolize love and deep passion

27. The various colors symbolize youths' energetic spirit.

28. 17 Growing discontent has been symbolized by the protests.

29. Her shoes are unfastened -- symbolizing easy childbirth in the future.

30. Chrysanthemums generally symbolize longevity, fidelity, joy and optimism

31. Yet Hebron today symbolizes our exile from Eden.

32. The Southern Arapaho had a set of stones symbolizing the pipe

33. 17 Easter eggs symbolize the renewal of life.

34. The “stars” here do not symbolize literal angels.

35. In Slavic and related tradition, dragons symbolize evil.

36. The palm tree leaf of both sides symbolizes victory.

37. Violet Chrysanthemums symbolize a wish to get well.

38. How Brownstones Came to Symbolize Wealth in NYC

39. I'll send him some bamboo flowers symbolizing continued growth and prosperity.

40. Yeah, and Yuanxiao symbolizes family unity, completeness and happiness.

41. In Japan, the Akita symbolizes health and well being

42. This book publication will symbolize the genuine humanism birth!

43. The story of Alcestis also symbolizes death and resurrection.

44. Make public expression of that dedication, symbolizing it by water baptism.

45. Red lazurite aroma case----------Symbolizing enthusiasm,[sentencedict .com] solicitude and sympathy.

46. • What did the great tree of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream symbolize?

47. Wedding rings symbolize a couple's commitment to each other.

48. His election would have enormous implications, symbolizing the triumph of impunity over accountability.

49. This operation is called inversion and is symbolized i.

50. The five white triangles symbolize the five pillars of Islam.

51. The Scriptural account states that they symbolize “kings,” or kingdoms.

52. 18 If any one superstar symbolizes WWE, it's the Undertaker.

53. 14:7 —What is symbolized by “the glow of my charcoals”?

54. The green hat has always symbolized a cuckold in Chinese culture.

55. In Bible prophecy, human governments are often symbolized by wild beasts.

56. Offering it on the altar symbolized giving the best to Jehovah.

57. 5 There follow in the vision three grim figures: a fiery-colored horse symbolizing war, a black horse symbolizing famine, and a pale horse whose rider was named “Death.”

58. 15 The unicorn is a lonely , solitary creature that symbolizes hope.

59. 14 Clearly, for Christians the tithe symbolizes, or represents, something.

60. A white wedding gown symbolizes the purity of the bride.

61. □ Who are symbolized by the seven stars in Christ’s right hand?

62. To represent with or as if with an emblem; symbolize.

63. Moreover, Anthills further symbolize cooperation and productivity among co-workers

64. The harlot symbolizes what, and what has happened to her support?

65. Jesus Christ is symbolized in the scriptures as the Bridegroom

66. (Daniel 7:3) What was symbolized by the windswept sea?

67. They will shave their heads bald to symbolize shame and lamentation.

68. 6 and realize that the omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent Mind of the invisible God Light, therein symbolized, has absolute rule over the projected light of His thinking, as symbolized in Fig.

69. White symbolizes purity, and green is for the fertile land.

70. In these scenes, the rose symbolizes Lester's desire for her.

71. The Ankh is an Egyptian symbol dating back to ancient times, symbolizing life

72. A Chuppah symbolizes the home that the couple will build together

73. It is crowned by an eight-pointed star, symbolizing the unity of the republic

74. Symbolize noble-minded and practice as well as excellent literary talent.

75. Six Crows symbolize a theft or robbery that might soon take place.

76. (Isaiah 30:6b, 7) “Rahab,” a “sea monster,” came to symbolize Egypt.

77. The orb at the top of the rod symbolizes this ideal condition.

78. Advaita symbolizes the highest point of the spiritual manifestation one can attend

79. They give each other a gold ring to symbolize their marriage commitment.

80. In 1943, I symbolized my dedication to God by water baptism.